Operator Index


Operator Index

Infix operators

The following list gives an overview of Special Character Operators ordered by precedence. Precedece is given as a number. The lower the number the higher the binding. Operators of equal precedence are applied from left to right, i.e. Special Character Operators are left-associative.

: (20) access to self defined
. (25) access to predefined data field
° (25) degree operator
_ (50) access to element in list
^ (50) power operator
* (100) multiplication (also of vectors and matrices)
/ (100) division (also of vectors and matrices by scalars)
+ (200) addition (also of vectors and matrices by scalars)
- (200) subtraction (also of vectors and matrices by scalars, binary and unary)
! (200) logic not (unary)
== (300) equal
> (300) greater
< (300) smaller
>= (300) greater or equal
<= (300) smaller or equal
!= (300) not equal
~= (300) approximately equal
~< (300) approximately smaller
~> (300) approximately greater
~>= (300) approximately greater or equal
~<= (300) approximately smaller or equal
=:= (300) equal after evaluation
& (350) logic and
% (350) logic or
!= (350) not equal
~!= (350) approximately not equal
.. (350) list of numbers from/to
++ (370) concatenation of lists
-- (370) list difference
~~ (370) common elements of two lists
:> (370) append element to list
<: (370) prepend element to list
= (400) variable assignment
:= (400) function definition
:=_ (400) clearing a definition
-> (400) modifier declaration
, (500) separator for lists and functions
; (500) separator for statements

In what follows we specify Cinderella's predefined functions. After the function name, the number of arguments is indicated in brackets. For easier reference, the functions are grouped in a few categories. Some functions may appear in several categories. Light blue functions are not documented yet.

Basic Functionality

Control structures

if (2) if operator
if (3) if/else operator
trigger (2) trigger a function on value change
while (2) while loop
repeat (2) repeat loop with # run-variable
repeat (3) repeat loop with explicit run-variable
forall (2) repeat loop with # run-variable
forall (3) forall loop with explicit run-variable
eval (1) force evaluation of an expression

Variable management

clear (0) clear all variables
clear (1) clear a specific variable
keys (1) list of local keys associated with an object or a variable
createvar (1) create a local variable
removevar (1) destroy a local variable
regional (arbitrary many arguments) create local variables
local (arbitrary many arguments) create local variables (deprecated)
release (arbitrary many arguments) remove local variables and return last value (deprecated)


print (1) print a value
println (0) newline
println (1) print a value followed by newline
clearconsole (0) clear the output console
err (1) debugging printout
assert (2) conditional print for error checking
format (2) convert a number to a string with specified precision
message (1) show a message in the status line


Arithmetic functions

sqrt (1) square-root
exp (1) exponential function
log (1) natural logarithm
sin (1) sine function
cos (1) cosine function
tan (1) tangent function
arcsin (1) arcsine function
arccos (1) arccosine function
arctan (1) arctangent function
arctan2 (1) binary arctangent function
arctan2 (2) binary arctangent function
add (2) addition
sub (2) subtraction
mult (2) multiplication
div (2) division
mod (2) modulo
pow (2) power
abs (1) absolute value
round (1) rounded value
floor (1) closest smaller integer
ceil (1) closest larger integer
re (1) real part
im (1) imaginary part
conjugate (1) complex conjugate
random (1) random real number
randominteger (1) random integer number
random (0) random number between 0.0 and 1.0
randombool (0) random boolean value
randomnormal (0) (0,1)-normal distributed random real value
seedrandom (1) seed the random generator

Boolean functions

not (1) logical not
and (2) logical and
or (2) logical or
xor (2) logical exclusive or


isinteger (1) test for integer
isreal (1) test for real number
iscomplex (1) test for complex number
iseven (1) test for even integer
isodd (1) test for odd integer
islist (1) test for list
ismatrix (1) test for nested list in matrix shape
isnumbervector (1) test for list which is a number vector
isnumbermatrix (1) test for list which is a number matrix
isstring (1) test for string
isgeometric (1) test for geometric object
isselected (1) test for being selected
ispoint (1) test for point
isline (1) test for line
iscircle (1) test for circle
isconic (1) test for conic
ismass (1) test for mass
issun (1) test for sun
isspring (1) test for spring
isundefined (1) test for being undefined

String functions

text (1) convert anything to a string
substring (3) substring of a string from start index to end index
replace (3) replace all occurences of a substring by another string
replace (2) apply several replacements given in a list of replacement pairs
tokenize (2) tokenize a string and return a list of tokens
indexof (2) first index of a substring
indexof (3) first index of a substring after position
length (1) length of a string
format (2) convert a number to a string with specified precision
sort sort elements from a list, can in particular be applied to lists of strings
fontfamilies (0) a list of all available fonts
unicode (1) convert unicode into character
candisplay (1) test if a string can be rendered by the current system and font
guess (1) convert a number to a string guessing the numbers meaning
parse (1) convert string to CindyScript expression


d (2) numerically differentiate a function
tangent(2) calculate the tangent to a function
guess (1) convert a number to a string guessing the numbers meaning
pslq (1) same as guess
roots (1) determine the roots of a polynomial

Lists and Linear Algebra

Elementary list operations

take (2) access the n-th element of a list
length (1) length of a list
contains (2) predicate for membership
append (2) append an element to a list
prepend (2) prepend an element to a list
concat (2) concatenate two lists
common (2) common elements of two lists
remove (2) list difference

Traversing lists

forall (2) forall loop with # run-variable
forall (3) forall loop with explicit run-variable
apply (2) apply a function to all elements of a list (run variable is #)
apply (3) apply a function to all elements of a list (explicit run variable)
select (2) select all elements of a list with a certain property (run variable is #)
select (3) select all elements of a list with a certain property (explicit run variable)

High-level list operations

pairs (1) list of all pairs of elements of a list
triples (1) list of all triples of elements of a list
directproduct (2) direct product of two lists
consecutive (1) list of all pairs of consecutive elements of a list
cycle (1) list of all pairs of consecutive elements of a list, cyclically closed
reverse (1) reverse a list
set (1) remove multiple instances of list elements, yielding a set
sort (1) sort elements in a list
sort (2) sort elements in a list by explicit function
flatten (1) flatten the nesting depth of a list

Lists of geometric objects

allelements (0) all elements of a construction
allpoints (0) all points of a construction
alllines (0) all lines of a construction
allsegments (0) all segments of a construction
allcircles (0) all circles of a construction
allconics (0) all concics of a construction
allmasses (0) all masses of a simulation
allsprings (0) all springs of a simulation

Arithmetic list operations

sum (1) sum of all list elements
sum (2) sum of function values applied to all list elements (run variable is #)
sum (3) sum of function values applied to all list elements (explicit run variable)
product (1) product of all list elements
product (2) product of function values applied to all list elements (run variable is #)
product (3) product of function values applied to all list elements (explicit run variable)
min (1) minimum of all list elements
min (2) minimum of function values applied to all list elements (run variable is #)
min (3) minimum of function values applied to all list elements (explicit run variable)
max (1) maximum of all list elements
max (2) maximum of function values applied to all list elements (run variable is #)
max (3) maximum of function values applied to all list elements (explicit run variable)

Vector and matrix operations

zerovector (1) create a zero vector of specified length
zeromatrix (2) create a zero matrix of specified length
rowmatrix (1) convert a vector to a row matrix
columnmatrix (1) convert a vector to a column matrix
matrixrowcolumn (1) number of rows and colums of a matrix
row (2) a specific row of a matrix
column (2) a specific column of a matrix
submatrix (2) a specific minor of a matrix
transpose (1) transpose of a matrix
dist (2) numerical value of the distance of two vectors.
det (1) determinant of a square matrix
hermiteanproduct (2) hermitian scalar product
inverse (1) inverse of a square invertible matrix
adj (1) adjunct of a square matrix
eigenvalues (1) eigenvalues of a square matrix
eigenvectors (1) eigenvectors of a square matrix
linearsolve (2) solve a system of linear equations
convexhull3d (1) convex hull of a list of 3D points


Drawing functions

draw (1) draw a point
draw (2) draw a segment
drawpoly (1) draw polygon border from pointlist
drawpolygon (1) same as drawpoly
fillpoly (1) draw filled polygon from pointlist
fillpolygon (1) same as fillpoly
drawcircle (2) draw a circle from center and radius
fillcircle (2) fill a circle from center and radius
drawall (1) draw all elements in a list
connect (1) connect a list of points
drawtext (2) draw a string
drawtable (2) draw a table
repaint (0) force a repaint of the screen
repaint (1) force a repaint after a delay

Drawing appearance

pointsize (1) set point size
linesize (1) set line size
textsize (1) set text size
pointcolor (1) set point color
linecolor (1) set line color
textcolor (1) set text color
color (1) set overall color
alpha (1) set overall alpha
gsave (0) store colors, alpha, width, clip, and transformation to stack
grestore (0) restore colors, alpha, width, clip and transformation from stack
greset (0) reset colors, alpha, width, clip and transformation. Reset stack

Color functions

red (1) red RGB-vector
green (1) green RGB-vector
blue (1) blue RGB-vector
grey (1) grey RGB-vector
gray (1) gray RGB-vector
hue (1) hue RGB-vector

Function plotting

plot (1) plot a function with # run variable
plot (2) plot a function with explicit run variable
fillplot (1) plot a function with integral like highlighting
fillplot (2) highlight the difference between two functions
colorplot (3) plot a region colored by the values of a function
drawfield (1) draw the flux of a vector field
drawfieldcomplex (1) draw the flux of a complex function
drawforces (1) draw the flux of a force field
drawcurves (2) draw an oscillograph for physics
mapgrid (1) mapping a rectangular grid


drawimage (2) draw a pixelimage, w.r.t. one point
drawimage (3) draw a pixelimage, w.r.t. two points
drawimage (4) draw a pixelimage, w.r.t. three points
drawimage (5) draw a pixelimage, w.r.t. four points
mapimage (2) map a pixelimage, w.r.t. a function
imagesize (1) getting the size of an image
imagergb (3) inquiring the rgba value of a pixel
createimage (3) create a pixelimage with name and specified size
clearimage (1) erasing a pixelimage
removeimage (1) removing a pixelimage
canvas (3) using a pixelimage as canvas w.r.t. one point
canvas (4) using a pixelimage as canvas w.r.t. two points
canvas (5) using a pixelimage as canvas w.r.t. three points


circle (2) create a circular shape from point and radius
polygon (1) create a polygonal shape from a list of points
halfplane (2) create a halfplane shape
screen (0) create a polygonal shape that covers the screen
fill (1) fill a shape
draw (1) draw the outline of a shape
clip (1) set clippath to a shape

Geometric transformations

translate (1) translate the global coordinate system
rotate (1) rotate the global coordinate system
scale (1) scale the global coordinate system
setbasis (1) set global coordinate system to a translation basis
setbasis (2) set global coordinate system to a similarity basis
setbasis (3) set global coordinate system to an affine basis
setbasis (4) set global coordinate system to a projective basis


autoclearlayer (2) automatic clearing of layers
clearlayer (1) clearing a layer
clrscr (0) remove all drawings in a layer
layer (1) setting the drawing layer
screenbounds (0) determining screen bounds
screenresolution (0) determining screen resolution


Geometric Functions

moveto (2) move point to position
meet (2) intersection of two lines
join (2) join of two points
perp (1) perpendicular 2-dimensional vector
perp (2) perpendicular of line through point
perpendicular (2) perpendicular of line through point
para (2) parallel of line through point
parallel (2) parallel of line through point
cross (2) cross-product of two 3-dimensional vectors
dist (2) distance of two points
area (3) area of triangle given by three points
det (3) determinant of matrix of three points in homogeneous coordinates
crossratio (4) cross-ratio of four points
complex (1) convert xy-point to complex number
gauss (1) convert complex number to xy-point
point (1) set the geometric type of a vector to point
line (1) setting the geometric type of a vector to line
geotype (1) retrieve the geometric type of a vector
map (2) obtain a transformation matrix for translations
map (4) obtain a transformation matrix for similarities
map (6) obtain a transformation matrix for affine transformations
map (8) obtain a transformation matrix for projective transformations
pointreflect (1) obtain a transformation matrix for reflection in a point
linereflect (1) obtain a transformation matrix for reflection in a line
incidences (1) list of incidences of a geometric object
locusdata (1) list of points on a locus


inspect (1) list available attributes
inspect (2) get an attribute
inspect (3) set an attribute

Construction manipulation

createpoint (2) create a point with name and position (since 2.1)
create (3) create a an arbitrary geometric element
removeelement (1) delete a named geometric element and the dependent elements of it
algorithm (1) Getting the construction algorithm of an element
inputs (1) Getting the defining objects of an element
element (1) Getting a handle to an element



playtone (1) playing a MIDI note
stoptone (1) muting a MIDI note
playfrequency (1) playing a MIDI note with specified freqeuncy
playmelody (1) playing a MIDI melody given by a list of notes
midiaddtrack (1) assigning a MIDI melody given by a list of notes to a track
midistart (0) starting the MIDI tracks
midistop (0) halting the MIDI tracks
midispeed (1) setting the speed of the MIDI tracks
midispeed (0) getting the speed of the MIDI tracks
midiposition (1) setting the sound pointer
midiposition (0) getting the sound pointer
instrument (1) specifying a MIDI instrument
instrumentnames (0) list all available MIDI instruments
midichannel (1) setting the midi channel
midivolume (1) setting the midi volume
midicontrol (2) setting an arbitrary midi control value

Sampled Audio

playsin (1) play a periodic signal
playfunction (1) use a function to generate an audio sample
playwave (1) use a list of numbers to generate an audio sample
stopsound (0) stop all sample out lines

System functions

Mouse and key input

mover (0) last moved object
mouse (0) current mouse position in homogeneous coordinates
elementsatmouse (0) lists all elements close to the current mouse position
key (0) typed character
iskeydown (1) asks if a key is currently pressed
keydownlist (0) list of all kurrently pressed keys
amsdata (0) data from a built-in gravity sensor
calibratedamsdata (0) data from a built-in gravity sensor after calibration
createtool (3) creating a custom toolbar
removetool (1) removing a tool from a custom toolbar


resetclock (0) reset the internal clock
seconds (0) seconds since last reset
simulationtime (0) time synchronized with simulation
time (0) current real-world time
date (0) current real-world date
wait (1) wait for a specified number of milliseconds

File IO

setdirectory (1) set current directory
load (1) load data from a file
import (1) import program code from file
openfile (1) open a file with specified name, return a handle
closefile (1) close a file given by a handle
print (2) print to a file
println (2) println to a file
setdirectory (1) set the current directory


openurl (1) open a specified URL in a browser
javascript (1) calling javascript
openconnection (2) open a TCP port
print (2) write to a TCP connection
println (2) write to a TCP connection
flush (1) flush output to a TCP port
readln (1) read from a TCP connection
closeconnection (1) close a TCP connection

Physics and Animations

Physics simulation

simulation (0) handle to simulation
force (1) probing force at a specific position
addforce (2) apply a force to a mass
setforce (2) set the force of a mass to a specific value


playanimation (0) start the animation
pauseanimation (0) pause the animation
stopanimation (0) stop the animation


Experimental and Undocumented Operators

Use of the following operators is at your own risk.

freevariables (1)
java (1)
curview (0)
curkernel (0)
curgraphalgorithm (0)
attribute (2) read user attribute
attribute (3) set user attribute
inspectinfo (2) information on attribute
createmass (3) create a mass-point with name and position and velocity (currently not supported)

Contributors to this page: Wurster , Kortenkamp and Richter .
Page last modified on Monday 14 of July, 2014 [07:38:11 UTC] by Wurster.

The content on this page is licensed under the terms of the License.

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