Add a Circle
This mode allows the creation of a circle given by its center and a point on its circumference. The mode generates the circle together with the two points with just one mouse click. When the mouse is pressed, the center is added. Dragging the mouse generates the circumference point and the circle. When the mouse button is released, the position of the circumference point is frozen, and the construction is finished. The logic behind this mode is analogous to that in
add a line mode.
Constructing a circle in this mode can be described as a three-step procedure:
- Pressing the left mouse button generates the center point. The definition of this point depends on the position of the mouse at the moment the button is pressed, as in add a line mode.
- Dragging the mouse generates the circle and the circumference point. The definition of the circumference point depends on the mouse position. As in add a point mode, the second point snaps to existing elements. The definition of the second point is analogous to that of the first point. The elements that define the circumference point are highlighted.
- Releasing the mouse button freezes the definition of the perimeter point. The construction is then finished.
Add a circle mode creates a circle with a press–drag–release sequence.
The "shape" of a circle depends on the choice of the geometry.