Free masses with an initial velocity will move in an elliptical, parabolic, or hyperbolic path if they are under the force of a sun. In CindyLab such a situation can be constructed and simulated with a handful of mouse clicks (drawing a sun, drawing a mass with velocity, and starting the animation). The picture below shows the result of such a situation.
The situation will become even more interesting if two suns are present. The picture below shows a recorded trace of a planet in the combined force field of two suns.
The following two images give an impression of the force field that is caused by one or by two suns to a generic mass. The pictures were generated by the drawforces() statement of CindyScript.
Inspecting SunsA sun has one item that can be changed by the inspector: its initial mass. By default this mass is set to be 10, which is ten times the mass of a default mass. A CindyLab gravity is equipped with a built-in scaling factor, which is set to a relatively small value. The actual value of the gravityconstant is calculated as this factor times the length of the gravity arrow in the drawing.
Suns and CindyScriptLike any CindyLab object, a sun provides several fields that can be read and very often set by CindyScript. The following list shows the accessible fields for gravity:
Contributors to this page: Kortenkamp
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