Kepler EllipsesKepler EllipsesIn this little tutorial we want to set up a very small physics simulation with CindyLab. We want to model a planet orbiting a sun. You should learn in this tutorial how to set up and start running a physics simulation. After starting Cinderella, go to "add sun" mode by clicking the ![]()
Now we add the planet that we want to orbit the sun. The planet needs an initial velocity perpendicular to the sun. Otherwise, it will be attracted directly toward the sun and end up in a singularity. For adding the point go to "add velocity" mode by clicking ![]()
Now you can start the simulation by pressing the play button. Most probably, the animation will run too fast. You can change the animation speed with the slider in the animation control. The planet should describe an elliptical path (this is the essence of Keplers third law). We now want to make the ellipse a little more visible. For this we want to create a trace of point B, the planet, while it is moving. Open the inspector and go to the "Special Appeareance" tab by clicking the button ![]()
Check the "Draw Trace" checkbox. This causes Point B to leave a trace as it moves. Now restart the animation. You will see the ellipse as a trace of the planet, as in Figure 4.
We recommend that you carry out several experiments with this configuration. Here are a few proposals:
Contributors to this page: Richter
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